Analyst coverage

Analysts at securities companies and research institutes who issue recommendations and comment on our financial performance or other aspects of our business are listed below.

As of April, 2024 / the Japanese syllabary of Company Names

Company Name Analyst Name
Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd. Sachiko Okada
Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd. Hideaki Teraoka
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. Yugo Hamakawa
Marusan Securities Co., Ltd. Yuya Takahashi
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. Yoshihiro Nakagawa
Morgan Stanley MUFJ Securities Co., Ltd. Ryo Yagi
SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. Hiroki Kawashima
UBS Securities Japan Ltd. Mariko Watanabe

This list of analysts may change due to transfers or for other reasons. Please note that there may be analysts following Sanwa Holdings who are not included in this list, and that this list may not fully reflect transfers or other changes. This list is presented for informational purposes only with the sole intention of providing investors with the names of analysts of companies or research institutions who analyze or forecast our financial performance and other business-related information, and is not intended as a solicitation to buy or sell the stock of Sanwa Holdings. Sanwa Holdings does not endorse and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the forecasts, opinions and recommendations of these analysts. Analysts, irrespective of their inclusion in this list, analyze our financial results, businesses, products, technologies and other information, or forecast our financial results, on a regular or irregular basis using their own judgment. Neither Sanwa Holdings nor its management has any involvement in that process. Any investment-related decisions should be made at your own discretion.